Frequently Asked Question

MP Leeching

Last Updated 2 years ago

Good day, warriors!

We understand the competitive side of our players, and that's how they motivate themselves to get to the top. However, some of them are abusing this mindset and using it to their unfair advantage.

So, the staff and the management have created a policy for it- Rules of Contact for Master Point (MP Leeching).

1. The complainant should support claims through video or screen-recording documentation. The video presented must be clear. The admin will tag the case "CLOSED" if no supporting documentation is provided.

2. During the incident, the complainant should type "mp leeching" and send it to the chatbox. This will serve as a reference during the cross-checking process.

3. Admin will sanction all proven players taking advantage of the MP Leeching.

4. The deliberation will be based on the admins' fair judgment, internal logs, and pieces of evidence provided.

5. The decision will be posted within 24 - 48 hours from the receipt of the valid complaint.

6. WOT Management reserves the right to temporarily block the reported accounts while doing the investigation (if necessary).

Further, any items used during the incident will be confiscated in favor of the management (applicable only for 3rd offense).

7. Sanctions:

1st offense: 24 hours ban 50% Master Points deduction

2nd offense: 48 hours ban and 100% Master Points deduction

3rd offense: Permanent account ban

We would appreciate your cooperation on this matter.

Thank you.


WOT Admin

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