Frequently Asked Question

Dual in kruma

Last Updated 2 years ago

We completely understand that some of us want to use and switch a different job/character in Kruma depending on the need of each god. However, some players are using it to their unfair advantage.

So, the staff and the management have created a policy for it- No Dual Policy.

How to report if you have suspected one?

1. Take a screenshot of both of their characters (with time-stamp) and send it over to our official Facebook page. The dual characters should be captured in one frame outside the Kruma base.

2. Wait for at least an hour or two for us to investigate and give you an update.

Here are the sanctions for the No Dual Policy (applies to all logged-in multiple characters/dual character):

1st offense: 24 hours ban 50% Master Points deduction

2nd offense: 48 hours ban and 100% Master Points deduction

3rd offense: Permanent ban

We would really appreciate your cooperation on this matter.



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