Frequently Asked Question

Chakra Rebirth

Last Updated 2 years ago

Chakra Rebirth

1. Only the top 10 (per god) are eligible for the "rebirth".

2. Changing of gods Banning Period is from the 10th 11:59PM to the end of month. (Regardless of the number of days in a month).

3. 6 added Chakras per rebirth.

4. Maximum of five (5) "rebirths" per character or a total of 30 added chakras.

5. Committing major offenses such as: a. Using illegal 3rd party applications (Cheat Engine); b. Master Points Leeching; c. Blinking/Jumping; d. Scamming/Hacking; and e. Even badmouthing/disrespecting the server and its staff will revoke ALL your accumulated chakras, thus, will be disqualified for the event.


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