Frequently Asked Question

Own a temporary meri rings

Last Updated 2 years ago


For Merihanna's Rings, please refer to these guidelines:

1. Only Top 1 and Top 2 Vidya and Satya per god will get the Merihanna's Rings.

2. The supports (Vidya and Satya) should not have any history of changing jobs and tribes at any time of the season.

3. The supports (Vidya and Satya) should follow the Master Points guidelines (100K required MP).

4. The management and the staff have the right to confiscate the Merihanna's Rings if the afore-mentioned rules are not being met.

5. As long as there is a vacant slot on each God for the possession of Merihanna's Ring, Sunday schedule insertion is bypassed as long as the MP requirement is achieved.

6. Recalibration of meri rings will still proceed normally every Sunday of the month.


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