Article 1 - General Requirements

Last Updated a year ago

Section 1. Only recognized guilds are allowed to join the GOF events.

Section 2. The participant for the 8v8 event must be a bonafide member of the recognized guilds.

Section 3. There could only be one (1) entry per recognized guild.

Section 4. Entries for the 8v8 event must be submitted on or before the deadline.

Section 5. Finalization of god and unification of each recognized guild should be done on or before every 5th of the month.

Section 5.1 For newly registered guilds, after the cut-off (5th of the month), they will still be recognized but no longer be allied with the existing ones.

Section 6. For any bugs (e.g., Sanuta bug, Nabad bug, Ripu bug, Barana bug, etc.) during one of the Guild of Fame events, players should provide evidence in the form of a video recording to support the claim.

Section 6.1 Sanctions - Please refer to our Zero Tolerance Policy sheet

Section 7. All maharajas must register their guilds (including those registered this month) every month. This is for us to update our tabulation without any assumptions about the status of their guilds.

Section 7.1 Maharajas may register by sending the following to the page:
Guild Name:
Allied Guild:

Section 7.2 The guild should have at least 15 members to be recognized.

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