Article 4 - Battle of Guilds

Last Updated a year ago

Section 1. The event consists of 10 rounds.

Section 2. Only the recognized guilds are allowed to join.

Section 3. The guild with the most number of kills will win.

Section 4. In case of a tie, another match will be played until the deadlock is broken.

Section 5. The round will be declared null or void if the slayer is not from any recognized guilds.

Section 6. Any decision arising during the tournament shall be honored and is final.

Section 7. Finalization of members cutoff will be every Saturday, 8 pm

Section 8 Strictly no dual characters.

Section 8.1 Sanctions - Please refer to our Zero Tolerance Policy sheet

Section 9. Players should use the character with the highest MP in the account to avoid technical glitches and disqualification.

Section 10. The facilitator has the right to void the entire participation of the recognized guild if the aforementioned sections are not followed (See Article 11. Section 2). This means the points will be changed to 0 if proven and verified.

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