Article 5 - Find the GM

Last Updated 10 months ago

Section 1. Find the GM consists of only ten rounds.

Section 2. Agree on the boundaries of the area in which the GM will hide.

Section 3. All the members of each recognized guild are seekers.

Section 4. All seekers should be at the starting point in every round— Exile, Memory Maiden. Otherwise, will be disqualified.

Section 5. GM will open a dummy or another account to stay at Exile, Memory Maiden(starting point), to check if all participants are not in AFK.

Section 5.1 In the case of AFK at Exile, Memory Maiden(starting point), the player(s) will not be considered participant(s).

Section 6. The seeker who can trade the GM first will be declared the winner.

Section 7. The recognized guild with the most points will win.

Section 8. The round will be declared null or void if the seeker is not from any of the recognized guilds.

Section 9. Any decision arising during the tournament shall be honored and is final.

Section 10. The facilitator has the right to void the participation of the recognized guild in the next round if the sections mentioned above are not followed during the event (See Article 11. Section 2) if proven and verified.

Section 10.1. The facilitator has the right to void the recognized guild's full participation if the sections mentioned above are not followed (See Article 11. Section 2) after receiving complaints from other guilds after the declaration of the placements. This means the points will be changed to 0 if proven and verified.

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