Article 6 - Fortress War

Last Updated 7 months ago

Section 1. Fortress Wars are scheduled every Saturday from 7PM to 7:30PM Ph time.

Section 2. Four (4) Durgas to conquer will have corresponding rewards. (See Article 7, Section 6)

Section 2.1 Distribution of points and rewards

1st Durga - 10 points with rewards

2nd Durga - 8 points with rewards

3rd Durga - 7 points with rewards

4th Durga - 5 points with rewards

For other participating guilds, they will still get the 5 points but no rewards.

Section 2.2 Designated Durgas will vary weekly.

Section 3. The primary and ally-recognized guilds can only conquer one (1) Durga.

Section 3. Strictly no dual characters.

Section 3.1. Sanctions - Please refer to our Zero Tolerance Policy sheet

Section 4. The minimum required number for guild members to be considered "participation" is three (3).

Section 5. For the guilds who failed to conquer any fortresses after the Fortress War, the Maharaja or any representatives should take a screenshot with a timestamp from 7:10 PM to 7:30 PM Ph Time. Then, Maharaja will submit it to the official World of Tantra PH Facebook page as a form of attendance. Failure to comply will void their attendance and score during the event.
Section 5.1. Screenshots are no longer required for the guilds who successfully conquered any fortresses after the Fortress War.
Section 5.2. Screenshots for the guild who conquered the first Durga are optional. This is for them to feature their guilds when the event results are posted.

Section 6. The facilitator has the right to void the entire participation of the recognized guild if the aforementioned sections are not followed (See Article 11. Section 2). This means the points will be changed to 0 if proven and verified.


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