Article 8 - Scoring

Last Updated a year ago

Section 1. To determine the overall winner:

Battle of Guilds- 10%

Fortress War - 10%

Find the GM- 10%

Protect Thy Support - 20%

All Jobs- 20%

8 versus 8- 30%

TOTAL- 100%

Section 2. Distribution of points for Battle of Guilds:

Champion- 10 points

1st placer- 8 points

2nd placer- 7 points

Participation- 5 points

Section 3. Distribution of points for 8 versus 8 event:

Champion- 10 points

1st placer- 8 points

2nd placer- 7 points

Participation- 5 points

Section 4. Distribution of points for Find the GM:

Champion- 10 points

1st placer- 8 points

2nd placer- 7 points

Participation- 5 points

Section 5. Distribution of points for All Jobs (3v3):

Champion- 10 points

1st placer- 8 points

2nd placer- 7 points

Participation- 5 points

Section 6. Distribution of points for Fortress War:

Champion- 10 points

1st placer- 8 points

2nd placer- 7 points

Participation- 5 points

Section 7. Distribution of points for Protect Thy Support:

Champion- 10 points

1st placer- 8 points

2nd placer- 7 points

Participation- 5 points

Section 8. An Ally Guild of any recognized guild will automatically be merged with the main guild. Or depending on Maharaja's decision (main guild).

Section 9. All points garnered in every event will be divided by how many weeks played and multiplied by their corresponding percentage. The equivalent portion in every event will be summed up to determine their overall standing.

Assuming all minor events were played in 3 weeks.

Example: GUILD X

8 versus 8

10 points x 30% = 3 points

Battle of Guilds

(30 points / 3 weeks) x 10% = 1 point

Find the GM

(30 points / 3 weeks) x 10% = 1 point

All Jobs

(30 points / 3 Weeks) x 20% = 2 points

Fortress War

(30 points / 3 weeks) x 10% = 1 point

Protect Thy Support

(30 points / 3 weeks) x 20% = 2 points

GUILD X total points = 10 Points

Section 10. In case of a tie in the overall GOF score, the admin will conduct an 8v8 event - Best of 3, on the following day to break the deadlock.

Section 10.1 For 8v8 full mechanics, please refer to Article 2 - 8 versus 8 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).

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