Article 7 - Protect Thy Support

Last Updated a year ago

Section 1. Off title

Section 2. The game is round robin (once or depending on the number of participants). The top 1 and 2 teams will play the Best of 3 Playoff.

Section 2.1 The facilitator should proceed with the "Best of 5" format if the event has only two participating guilds.

Section 3. Kruma rules (subject to change).

Section 4. Entries must be submitted on or before the given date.

Section 5. Once the event has started, substitute of players is not allowed.

Section 6. Only 3 minutes grace period to enter the arena once the participants are called to compete.

Section 7. The support must be accompanied by 3 damagers (of any jobs) from their respective guilds.

Section 7.1 Needed jobs per week will be pre-plotted in the Event Calendar

Section 8. They have 10 minutes allotted time to slay the opponent's support.

Section 9. If fail to kill the opponent's support within 10 minutes, the team that has the most number of unkilled members will be declared as winner.

Section 10. Bug abuse is strictly not allowed such as Sanuta, Nabad and Ripu Bugs.

Section 11. No sleep for Abikara and Samabat.

Section 12. No armor and shield for Vidya but with Merihanna's Rings.

Section 12.1 Maharajas may borrow temporary Merihanna's Rings from the admin if the guild's meri holder support can't participate in the event.

Section 12.2 Maharajas should request temporary Merihanna's Rings 30 minutes before the event, and the rings will be confiscated afterward.

Section 13. No rematch will be held in case of disconnection during the match.

Section 14. Any decision that will arise during the course of the tournament shall be honored and is final.

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