Frequently Asked Question

Auto Close or C++ Runtime error message

Last Updated 5 months ago

If you experience Auto Close or C++ Runtime error message please check the below.

1. Please make sure to Disable Compatibility mode and run as admin is Enabled on HTLauncher.exe and World Of Tantra.exe, refer to screenshot below.


2. Windows 10 and 11 please configure graphics performance preference. Go to settings>display scroll down and click graphics settings and then refer to screenshot below.


3. Nvidia Settings - Disable Anisotropic Filtering and Antialiasing. Sample below


4. If you have rivatuner installed please uninstall them. Most of the time rivatuner is bundled with GPU tweaking applications e.g. MSIBurner.

5. If the problem persist please do a clean reinstall of your Operating System (Windows 10/11) or just disable dgVoodoo, refer to this guide >>

Thank you, if you need further support please don't hesitate to message page or JT (1) Facebook

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