Frequently Asked Question

Dual issues after Gameguard Update (Temporary Solution)

Last Updated 24 days ago

Dual issues after Gameguard Update (Temporary Solution)

Issue #1

Dual issues: Gameguard pops up with an error 'Error while starting game, error code (2)


Temporary Solution: Move or copy World Of Tantra to c:\ drive, please note c:\ drive not c:\Program Files


Issue #2

Game Crashes or Runtime error after transferring World Of Tantra folder to C: Drive

Solution: Disable dgvoodoo refer to this link how to disable dgvoodoo ->


Issue #3

I want to be able to open multiple characters/dual plus I want dgvoodoo enabled for kruma purposes.

Solution: Create another copy of World Of Tantra on your desktop and enable dgvoodoo, refer to this link but make sure to untick the 'disable and passthru to real DirectX'

Sequence to achieve dual and dgvoodoo enabled

1. Run the world of tantra desktop copy (only one client otherwise you will get the gameguard error)

2. Runt world of tantra c: drive copy as many as you want.


Any issues please pm Official facebook page

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